1. The Trinity
We believe in the triune nature of God, who reveals Himself as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This doctrine underscores our understanding of God's multifaceted presence in our lives and the world.
2. Salvation by Grace through Faith
At First Baptist Church of Mount Olive, we firmly believe that salvation is a gift from God, received through faith in Jesus Christ alone. It is His grace that enables us to experience redemption and eternal life.
3. The Bible as Our Authority
We hold the Bible to be the inspired Word of God, serving as our ultimate source of guidance for living. It is the foundation of our faith and practice.
4. Priesthood of All Believers
We affirm that all believers are priests, allowing every Christian to have direct access to God and the ability to interpret Scripture under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
5. Autonomy of the Local Church
Our local church is an autonomous body of Christians, while also being a part of the larger universal Body of Christ. We cherish our independence while recognizing our unity in Christ.
6. Gender Equality in Ministry
We believe that both males and females are equally gifted and called to Christian ministry as God chooses. We embrace diversity and celebrate the unique gifts and callings of all members of our church.
7. Serving in Ministry
Every Christian is called and equipped to serve in ministry to others. We encourage all members to discover their spiritual gifts and actively engage in serving the needs of our congregation and community.
8. Participating in God's Mission
We are committed to participating in the mission of God, which is to redeem and restore the fallen creation. Just as the Father sent the Son, Jesus Christ, we have been sent in the power of the Holy Spirit to be agents of love, reconciliation, and transformation in the world.